Important: Only students that have an active enrollment on the NSO Learning Management System (LMS) will be able to login.
If you are able to log into Genius SIS, but your login and password aren't working on the NSO LMS, it might be because:
- You are not enrolled in a course yet. NSO does not allow access to course materials before the start date. On the start date, NSO staff will manually enroll you into your course, and you will receive an email when your course is ready for you. If you don't remember your start date, you can check it here.
- You completed or were dropped from your course. You will receive emails in either case. You can also check the "View Transcript" page in Genius.
If you have not completed or dropped a course and it is more than 1 day after your start date, and you still are not able to login to NSO, please contact us!